Because your travel experience deserves the best

 Content Marketing for Adventure Travel

You’ve got an amazing experience to share.

Maybe it’s a glamping site in the mountains.

Or an eco-hotel by the ocean.

Or an epic, all-inclusive tour to see the endangered monkeys in your area.

But despite all the awesomeness you have to offer, the bookings just aren’t coming in.

Deep down, you know why.

You need a strategic, engaging online presence.

One that turns would-be travelers into repeat customers who can’t stop talking about your amazing experience.

Add that to the to-do list that’s coming up on 300 items long.

You know it’s essential, but when are you going to find the time?

And navigating the world of websites and social media can be exhausting.

What do you post about? And share? And comment and…

I get it. Your hands are full making sure guests have the trip of their lives.

But what if you didn’t have to worry?

What if you had a website that draws in customers and gets you bookings while you sleep?

What if your social media was blowing up with people wondering how they can get a spot?

What if you could focus your energy where you know you work best?

And enjoy spending your time creating amazing experiences?

You can.

You just need someone who gets it.

Who understands how important and amazing travel is and how to market it.

Who knows the industry and how to stand out.

Hi, I’m Karina. And I’d love to help.


Hi, I’m Karina, a travel content marketer and creative. A full-time traveler, adventurer, and lover of sea otters. I believe that travel is the best way to spend your time and money and it is my mission to get as many people out exploring the world as possible! I am passionate about environmental and social consciousness and supporting businesses that share these values.

“Working with Karina is an incredible combination of professionalism and quality of work. She delivers on time and provides outstanding content with minimal guidance needed. Another huge perk of working with Karina is that she really takes the time to research the topic to ensure it is the most comprehensive piece of content out on the subject. If you are looking for a writer who always delivers quality work in a timely fashion, Karina is the writer for you”

W. Mayham, Web Developer

"Karina is a fantastic copywriter! She does a great job meeting deadlines. Her writing is well researched and includes practical suggestions that benefit our readers. We look forward to working with her for future content."

-Rick Waggoner, Ocean Blue Project, Editor-in-Chief

Why Hire a Content Marketer anyway?

So you can:


Save Time

So you can focus on what you do best- sharing the beauty of the world.


Boost Revenue

So you have the resources to expand and invite more people to fall in love with travel.



So people can find you and experience the amazing travel opportunity you offer.


Would Rather Type Than Talk?

My Mission: To empower people to travel and fall in love with the beauty of this planet. To help travel brands who are built with intention, social and environmental consciousness thrive.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need this?


You tell me. Are people finding your website and signing up for your offer? Are people commenting on your posts asking when they can stay? Are you sharing your experience with new customers or just the ones who saw the ‘follow us’ sign on the front desk? You know you can do better. And I know your business is worth it.


Can you really make my company stand out?


Heck yes. I love a challenge. Even though the travel market feels full to the brim nowadays, there’s always room for an awesome experience like yours. All you need is a good strategy and a little time.


Why should I hire you as a travel content marketer?


Why not? I’ve been traveling for as long as I can remember and have been creating travel content practically the whole time. When I discover amazing places to visit and things to do, I will. not. shut. up. about them (feel free to ask my friends). Plus, I’m one of those ‘cool kids’ who knows how social media works. ;)

Do I have to come up with ideas?


Only if you want to! We can work together to come up with ideas (it’ll be fun, I promise), or I can ask you questions about your offer and your goals and come up with ideas for you!


How much does this all cost?


It depends on your needs. My services start at $150 and I can help you build the best package for your needs and budget. This is about making money for your business, not losing it. For more information, check out my Services Page.


Won’t working with a content marketer be a hassle?


Absolutely not. It’s my job to make your life easier. We can schedule meetings on your schedule, and set up deadlines that work for you. It’s my job to ask the right questions, to help you plan your marketing strategy, and to create content. All you need is your brand and the desire to thrive. (and 15 minutes for a free consultation call).

How long will it take to see results?


It depends. There are a lot of factors that play into this game, but I promise it’s not as scary as it looks. I can tell you that the moment you start adding blog content and great social media, you increase the chance of customers finding you and falling in love with your offer. Each brand’s journey will be different, but I’m here to help you the whole way.


But what about the whole *VID* Travel in 2021 situation?


I agree, the world of travel is a little tricky right now. But the world is opening back up and there are ways for people to travel safely. Plus, people who have been cooped up are dying to get back to traveling. You want to get their attention now so when they hit the road again, you’re at the top of their list.


How do I get started?


We can get started with a free 15 minute consultation call, or you can send me an email if you like. We’ll talk about your amazing offer, how you want to grow, and how I can help. No strings attached to this call, it’s completely free. And even if we don’t end up working together, you’ll leave with plenty of valuable strategies to succeed.